Sunday, December 29, 2019

How to Handle Being More Ambitious Than Everyone Else - The Muse

How to Handle Being More Ambitious Than Everyone Else - The MuseHow to Handle Being More Ambitious Than Everyone Else Dont you think youre taking on way too much? Its a question that Ive heard often over the last few years- and it only gets increasingly aggravating each time its asked. Whats wrong with being ambitious and wanting mora? Doesnt anyone else feel the way I do?Luckily, yes. Marie Forleo, a life coach and generally awesome person, recently published a great article (and subsequent video) about why people say that youre taking on too much. Her reasons were straightforward Theyre either not as motivated as you are, or theyre trying to show concern for your well-being. If the problem isnt the latter, whats an ambitious professional to do? Unfortunately, the answer is not to magically transform the people around you and turn them all into go-getters. Instead, its to find a new tribe of people who are just like you. 1. Find a (Small) Networking GroupTheres a trick to finding a useful networking group that many people dont know- the more specific it is, the better. For example, when I first started looking into networking groups geared toward entrepreneurship, it was really intimidating- the sheer number of people at these shindigs overwhelmed me. I went to one event with well over 100 people, and I walked away with a stack of business cards, but approximately zero promising connections.Once I gave more thought to what I was really looking for, I hit two jackpots The Lady Project and bSmart Guide. Both connected me to (a much smaller group of) smart, driven, and successful women who are just as motivated as I am. Theyve given me a lot enthusiastic peers, amazing mentors, and a number of awesome experiences- like getting to speak at The Lady Projects summit last year Its an ambitious professionals dream.2. Get Active on Social MediaIntimidated by in-person networking? Thats OK. Social media is a great go-to if youre looking for people who share your passion and excitement. Like finding a networking group, the trick is to get specific. After all, there are over 360 million users on LinkedIn and over 230 million people on Twitter, so the more youre able to whittle those numbers down, the easier it gets.Need a little help finding your perfect online networking spot? There are plenty of places to get started. On Twitter, this detailed chat list is your best friend. Oh, and this post from Sprout Social can help you narrow down your hashtag choices. For LinkedIn, two great places to begin are industry and alumni groups (Lily Zhang has a helpful post about finding LinkedIn communities worth your time here).A note to keep in mind Some of the best social media networking opportunities are those that are a little exclusive (i.e., not letting in every single person who requests to join). So, dont be discouraged if youre not invited in- instead, take it as a sign that you need to get more niche. 3. Be Open to Helping OthersAmbitious people often get so wrapped up in their own goals that they forget that others are also trying to accomplish big things. In doing so, they miss important opportunities to connect with like-minded people. Which is a shame, because people will always want to help people who helped them. Its a clich, but its also true. Regardless of the industry someone is working in, if you find a fellow ambitious professional who wants to do things, offer to help that person. Never underestimate the power of small favors when building relationships, especially with motivated and enthusiastic people. For example, I once helped a PR contact get in touch with a magazine editor for her client, and several days later, she offered to help with my websites PR for free. Pretty sweet deal, right?Being ambitious and motivated is an awesome thing, so dont let anyone tell you otherwise. Instead, find the people who are going to inspire you to do even more.Photo of hiker courtesy of Shutterstock.

Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Dropping Names During a Job Interview

Dropping Names During a Job InterviewDropping Names During a Job InterviewHere are tips for dropping names during a job interviewBe formal.When the hiring manager introduces herself to you as Lucy Smith, be sure to address her as Ms. Smith. If she says for you to call her by her first name, only then should you do so.Do your research.Find out ahead of time the people whom youll be meeting with and practice saying their names. As a cheat, you can always have their names written down on a piece of paper in your folder that you can refer to.Remember the name.You might be nervous when you first step into the office and not hear the rolles name correctly. So its okay to ask for clarification to ensure that you heard their name correctly- and are pronouncing it properly. After all, theres nothing worse than calling someone- especially a person who has the power to hire you- by the wrong name.Say her name.As you point out your personality traits that make you perfect for the position, be su re to also mention the persons name again. For example, you can say, Ms. Smith, I believe my 10+ years in IT will be an asset to this position and your organization.Personalize your goodbye.When exiting the interview, offer your thanks by shaking hands and saying, It welches a pleasure to meet you, Ms. Smith. Thank you for your time. By mentioning her name, you can help establish a more personalized connection between yourself and the person interviewing you, which can help when you follow up post-interview.Referring to your interviewer by her name in a formal yet friendly way can definitely help you stand out from the other applicants. It shows that you are truly invested in the position.Readers, do you mention the interviewers name during the job application process? Whats your strategy for dropping names during an interview?

Thursday, December 19, 2019

How Trusting Yourself Can Benefit Your Career -The Muse

How Trusting Yourself Can Benefit Your Career -The MuseHow Trusting Yourself Can Benefit Your Career Nine years ago, I made a stupid decision. I left a great job at an extraordinary company, Capital One. But, Id been there for a decade and felt worn out at the ripe old age of 35. With responsibilities, a family at home, and plenty of stock options waiting to vest, I should have asked for a six-month sabbatical, but instead I resigned. What would I do during that time? I would take a step back from the daily grind to figure out what I should do next and how could I make my career meaningful again. Rather than sitting in a cubicle hoping the answer would come to me in between answering emails and meetings, I would get away from it all and listen to the Universe. Turns out, it welches the best decision of my career. I know not everyone has the option to walk away from a salary. But everyone does have the option to listen to the Universe even if it seems a little crazy at the time. Heres what I learned in the process.Even if You Do Not Decide, You leise Have Made a ChoiceI gave my notice on a typical grey January day. Yet as I left my boss office, the sky looked bluer. The grass was greener. Food tasted better. Only after breaking free did I realize how strongly inertia had locked me in.The thing is, few white collar roles are insufferable- and that makes it all too easy to suffer through a job simply because nothings wrong. However, as my senses sharpened in my first few days off the job, I realized nothing wrong should not be confused with something right.Heres a litmus test Whats your outlook heading into work each morning? Be honest with yourself. In the right job, its fair to expect youll look forward to going into work most of the week, be ambivalent at least once, and mildly dread one day. (Usually Monday.) Of course, even a job you love will have its bad days. But there should be more good than bad. mora days you look forward to than days you dread.By accep ting that youre unhappy at your job, youre making a choice to feel that way. So dont- decide to be happy, decide to take control of your own career.Your Career Depends on You Seeing the Right Questions, Rather Than the Right AnswersOne month into my experiment, I could sense my batteries recharging. I was fortunate enough to be able to spend most days taking care of my family as well as myself. My sons got to go to the park each day, my wife got to eat a home-cooked meal, and I got to spend time doing the simple things- exercising and reading. Now that my regimen included time to simply think, I started having ideas again. It was novel and luxurious. And it was the natural consequence of fencing off this time and granting myself permission to explore my own thoughts. Some days I had brilliant thoughts, other days not so much. Liberating myself from a cubicle and the day-to-day pressure to deliver unleashed my creativity.This period in my career taught me to accept that its OK to hav e a lot of ideas, even half-baked ideas. While working backwards from a clear goal can be very important, I learned that sometimes the best ideas arise just from going on an open-ended journey. You dont always need to have the strategy and the answers and the plan.The Universe Will Speak if You Commit to ListeningOK, I know what youre thinking- and yes, I just about ran out of money. Having time to think is wonderful, but it doesnt pay the bills.Let me come clean. Im not proud. Even though I felt that my career goal was to be part of the startup community, I considered I might have to return to Corporate America, and I interviewed at a Fortune 500 company. A little voice in my head said, Dad was right you should have done the smart thing and just taken a sabbatical. Whats this nonsense about listening to the Universe?But, just as my anxiety was peaking, the Universe spoke to me. And it came in the form of an email from a former Capital One senior executive. He heard I might be on th e market- and he just happened to know a great opportunity. As it turns out, he was subject to a non-solicit and was prohibited from contacting current employees about job opportunities. If I had taken a sabbatical- the smart approach- I would have been an employee and still off limits. Finally, I got official word from the Universe that Id made the right decision. Everything in the past year had lumineszenzdiode to this moment, this email.Long story short The email turned into freelance consulting for a year, which in turn led to my co-founding a venture capital firm, QED Investors. I love my job, to the point that my wife comments that I bleed QED. And its only because I made the nominally stupid decision to commit- truly commit- to listen to the Universe. My advice dont let yourself be a victim of inertia. You deserve a satisfying career. Find a way to explore, listen, and meet the Universe when it speaks.Photo of man in winter courtesy of Shutterstock.

Sunday, December 15, 2019

Workplace Gender Discrimination Against Men and Women

Workplace Gender Discrimination Against Men and WomenWorkplace Gender Discrimination Against Men and WomenSocietal norms, rules, and roles instruct and encourage men to value (or devalue) women even in the United States even where there are anti-discrimination laws in place to discourage such attitudes. In the workplace, women are frequently subjected to subtle discrimination by both sexes. Qualified women may be passed over for promotions because they become pregnant (pregnancy discrimination).Jobs may be offered to a less qualified male applicant just because he is male. Women are also more likely to be judged by their looks and how they dress than their male counterparts. On a notenzeichen of contradiction, women are not only discriminated against for being pretty or provocative they are also discriminated against for being not pretty enough, too old, or, in some positions (especially sales and public relations) for not being sexy enough. If men get more time off, better compensat ion packages, or more benefits than women based on unfair gender bias, its also gender discrimination and it is illegal. Despite protective anti-discrimination laws making gender discrimination illegal, management practices at small, mid-size, and even giant corporations often still favor the advancement of men. Companies Sued for Discrimination Against Women Microsoft.Women atMicrosoftfiled 238 complaints with the companys HR department between 2010 and 2016, including 108 complaints about sexual harassment and 119 about gender discrimination. There were also eight complaints of retaliation and three about pregnancy discrimination. The court documents are part of a gender discrimination lawsuit against Microsoft filed in 2015 by Katherine Moussouris, a computer security researcher who worked at the company from 2007-2014. She claims she welches passed over for promotions while male colleagues, who were less qualified, were promoted. Two other Microsoft employees Holly Muencho w and Dana Piermarini later joined the suit. As of 2018, no trial date has been set. Computer Sciences Corporation. CSC welches sued by a former high-level female executive who was fired after identifying and complaining about pattern and practice gender discrimination and sexual harassment. She was told to quit complaining. She did not, and she was fired in 2012. Walmart.In 2011, Walmart dodged a bullet when the Supreme Court ultimately overturned a decision that would have held Walmart accountable in a class action suit. The justices ruled that the women did not share enough in common to qualify as a class in what would have been the largest class action discrimination suit in history. However, individual lawsuits against Walmart continue to be filed. Quest Diagnostics and AmeriPath.The two labs have been sued in federal court for widespread and systematic discriminatory practices against women. Without admitting guilt, in 2012 the company agreed to pay $152 million to more than 5 ,000 current and former female employees. The company also agreed to spend $22.5 million to institute new human resources policies and procedures. Gender Discrimination Happens to Men, Too Its not as common, but men are discriminated against too. Ventura Corporation. Ventura Corporation, a wholesaler of beauty products, was sued by the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) for discriminating against men because the company refused to hire men as sales reps. The EEOC charged in its suit that Ventura engaged in a pattern or practice of refusing to hire men as Zone Managers and Support Managers. The EEOC also alleged that Ventura promoted Erick Zayas into a Zone Manager position after he complained about its discriminatory practices, only to set him up for failure and termination in retaliation for his opposition to Venturas sex-based hiring practices. According to the terms of the 2014 consent decree settling the suit, Ventura paid $354,250 to settle the lawsuit, inc luding a payment to Zayas of $150,000. Lawrys. One of the most famous cases of male discrimination was a class action suit against Lawrys, a California-based corporation operating restaurants in Las Vegas, Chicago, Dallas, Los Angeles, Beverly Hills and Corona del Mar, Calif. Lawrys had a tradition of hiring only female waitstaff. The only reason for this was tradition. A substantial verdict against Lowrys was the result of the class action suit in 2016. The EEOC reached a settlement in the sex discrimination class action lawsuit for $1,025,000. Yahoo. Gregory Andersonwas employed in Yahoos media division until he was fired in 2014. He filed a lawsuit against the tech giant,alleging the companys performance management system was arbitrary and unfair. Yahoo uses a numeric ranking system to evaluate employees performance and often fires those with the lowest scores, according to the suit. The complaint says that when male and female employees got equally low scores,the women are favor ed and the men are fired. Jimmy Fallon.Paul Tarascio, aformer stage manager forLate Night With Jimmy Fallonfiled a lawsuit against NBC Universal, Fallon, and employees ofLate Night, alleging that the show has a gender bias. In papers filed in 2013, Paul Tarascioclaimed he was demoted while working for Fallon after being told byLate Nightdirector David Diomdi,Jimmy just prefers to take direction from a woman.Tasarscio lost his court case. The MeToo Movement The MeToo movement was birthed in 2017 when sexual harassment claims were made against Hollywood Mogul Harvey Weinstein by actress Ashley Judd who spotlighted the issue by giving her story to major news outlets. Years earlier, Weinstein had threatened Judd if she did not agree to perform a sexual act on him. Following that, dozens of other celebrities (including Gwyneth Paltrow) came forward with sexual misconduct claims (and more than one claim of rape) against Weinstein. In 2018, Harvey Weinstein was convicted of rape. Weins teins case dominated the news- in part because of the extent of his egregious behavior but also because of the high-profile women he preyed on. However, a year before Weinstein (in 2017), beloved comedian Bill Cosby was accused of drugging (and in one case raping) several dozen women going back 20 years beginning with accuserAndrea Constand, a protege. Even though nearly 60 women came forward to tell their stories of sexual advances and misconduct, Cosbys 2017 trial ended in a mistrial. However, he was retired in 2018 and convicted of three counts of rape. Men Fired in 2017 Weinstein and Cosby were not alone. In 2017, such entertainment luminaries as NBCs Matt Lauer, PBSs Charlie Rose, and New York Metropolitan Opera conductor James Levine were all fired after claims of sexual abuse and harassment were found to be true. Employees in the workplace are protected by the law against sexual discrimination and are protected from superiors who use their position to prey on them. The Me Too movement let it be known that inappropriate behavior should be reported to HR, to management, to colleagues, and associates without delay.

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Office Job Resume - the Conspiracy

Office Job Resume - the Conspiracy What to Do About Office Job Resume The positive results of your job search is completely your decision. That said, examine the work listing for particular keywords it is possible to enhance your statement. Youre able to add any other information thats related to the job. Searching for employment at this time is pretty challenging. Things You Should Know About Office Job Resume Outside of experience in the area, hiring managers may be searching for bright candidates with at least a high school diploma or even some kind of business degree. If youre a work seeker, applying for a job can be a difficult procedure. Meanwhile, you desire a job as an LPN. Take advantage of these resources to raise your odds of landing the job that you want. Where to Find Office Job Resume As fruchtwein firms or organizations take advantage of large and elaborate databases of departmental records and services like Banner, the arbeitszimmer assistant may be aske d to enter information and make certain the truth and completeness of the data entered, and in the exact vein generates reports of outputs as needed. One is the internet, you may secure a lot of samples from the world wide web but make certain that these resume samples offer you type of knowledge which you want. Resume examples without having to spend a dime are available nearly anyplace. Proven capacity to collate and organize large quantities of data efficiently. ur resume builder will provide you with tips and examples about how to compose your resume summary. If this Office Assistant resume example was not sufficient for you, youre absolutely free to review a few other samples and templates from our website. This job resume template might be downloaded on the internet or searched from word processing program. With the objective statement, you can better your probability of getting hired when you include the most suitable mixture of hard and soft abilities, same as in yo ur qualifications section. One of his goals is to demonstrate he is a specialist in all sorts of mail room duties. Most administrative positions involve a whole lot of writing. Our resume examples consist of key skills and attributes required to be successful in an office assistant function. In order to make certain your professional resume will support your targets, utilize this office manager job description to inform what you ought to highlight on your resume. Office Assistant is a job which may rarely have openings due to the popularity of outsourcing. Dont forget that your resume is your very first line of defense on the topic of landing your very best job. Dont hesitate to revise this job description to fulfill your precise job duties and job requirements. Whispered Office Job Resume Secrets Work experience is crucial on an Office Assistants resume, as their degree of experience may ascertain how much responsibility he or shes offered. Those jobs both taught me very valuable abilities but I didnt have a clue how theyd translate into the actual world. Organization Administrative jobs of all sorts need strong organizational skills. Highlight your abilities and assorted job responsibilities you had undertaken from your prior employers. Hiring managers usually part the particular skills they want to find. Job Specific Skills There are lots of skills which are job dependent. Communication abilities and the capability to multi-task, are just two or three skills waitress are experts at. Office Job Resume Options Our resume builder makes it simple to create a well-written resume in a few minutes. An acting resume design template may become your key to landing the usage of a lifetime. Irrespective of your degree of job experience, your resume format is vital to making your program stick out. The template isnt tricky to modify. Ruthless Office Job Resume Strategies Exploited If you typically dread the resume-writing procedure, youre in luck. Before getting into the core of a work hunt, its recommended to assemble a detailed plan, along the lines of a company program. It also simply helps you to save time. There are many places the place you will acquire good resume examples. The executive administrative assistant is accountable for many distinct tasks and plays a huge role in the smooth operation of any company. An administrator should be in a position to have the ability to plan ahead of time and prepare for any possible office troubles. Administrative skills are required for a selection of jobs, that range from office assistants to secretaries to office managers. Looking to get the job of an Office Administrator to apply expansive understanding of supervising tasks to fulfill the day-to-day goals of the workplace.

Thursday, December 5, 2019

The Ultimate Strategy for Pitfalls of Resume Writing

The Ultimate Strategy for Pitfalls of Resume Writing The Downside Risk of Pitfalls of Resume Writing Knowing a second or third language can set you at an advantage in qualifying for employment and will definitely separate you from different candidates. For employers, among the strategies to create an excellent company culture is to seek the services of people who are similar or have similar interests. Your work is so heavily related to details that its probably what you think about a great deal of the moment. By learning how to recognise such errors you may enhance your writing skills and prevent common writing mistakes later on. The target of your resume is to secure you the interview. Writing your very first high school resumecan look like a daunting take. The function of the career objective section is to grab the eye of a prospective employer and hit them with the principal takeaways that present you as the perfect candidate for the function. Writing resumes for individ uals supplies you with the perspektive to help them land work, besides earning money from your writing skills. Introducing Pitfalls of Resume Writing You will set your own personal requirements and were going to always follow them. Theres a chance to acquire a complimentary revision of the resume in scenarios where you might truly feel the writer hasnt followed all the needed requirements in the resume. Including an objectives section at the commencement of your resume provides a concise introduction to the function of the resume, highlighting your career objectives and the sort of job you are looking for. Once you own a list of your strengths and abilities, and youve identified the crucial requirements of work, it is easy to tailor your resume utilizing a high school resume template. What you exclude is at least as vital as what you include. Sometimes you do your best and even then youre not able to score well in your home tasks. Resumes a well-written resume is an effecti ve advertising tool which is able to make your career. There are a lot of standard kinds of resumes used to make an application for job openings. Highlight your transferable abilities, which are the ones which it is possible to use from 1 job to the next irrespective of the position. You are searching for a job which will enable you to utilize your abilities and so forth etc. Before you rush out to discover the ideal job or internship, you will need to compose your resume. Use relevant search phrases to make sure its visible when searched. Knowing the benefits and disadvantages of email can help you analyse the time spent using it. Your resume should be updated with relevant information in any respect times. Pitfalls of Resume Writing - the Conspiracy Professionals with several years of experience will probably have two pages. Quite simply, it caters to the requirements of students and job applicants from assorted nations. Use the functional method if you would like to concentrate on your abilities and qualifications. You may easily depend on us to find essay help as we have a tendency to assist and guide the students with the assistance of our professional experts.